- What do your end-users really need?
- Where does the balance lie between features and functionality, technical complexity, and budget and schedule?
- How can your eLearning application be defined and developed so that it can grow and change with your business needs?
- Which combination of technologies is appropriate?
The e-Learning Development Process
The first step is a Needs Analysis. You use a Need Analysis to aggregate the information telling you how to serve your business' goals and objectives for the e-Learning. The Needs Analysis also determines who is the Target Audience for this learning. The kind of e-Learning is influenced by the characteristics of the learner, for example, is the learning directed those unfamiliar with the topic, a refresher for an infrequent task, or add identifies the knowledge and skills that need to be developed or reinforced. Finally a Task & Topic Analysis defines the content that will be required.Design
The next stage is the design of the e-Learning project and generally includes:- Defining the learning objectives to achieve the course objective,
- Determining the order of the objectives (sequencing), and
- Choosing instructional, media, evaluation and delivery strategies.
- The instructional design (e.g. its configuration in courses, units, lessons, activities),
- The learning objectives coupled with each unit; and
- The delivery methods and formats (e.g. interactive self‑paced materials, synchronous and/or asynchronous activities) to deliver each unit.
- The evaluations to determine if the learning objectives have been met.
In the Development Stage, the e-Learning content is created. The content can vary depending on the available resources. For example, content may consist of simple materials (e.g. those with little or no interactivity or multimedia, such as structured PDF documents) which can be combined with other materials (e.g. audio or video files), assignments and tests. For the more simple materials, storyboard development and the development of media and electronic interactions would not need to be be initiated.Multimedia interactive e-Learning content development is comprised of three stages:
- Content development - The writing and collecting the required knowledge and information;
- Storyboard development - The storyboard isa document that describes the components of the final interactive products, including images, text, interactions, assessment tests in the order for the e-Learning product. They make up the instructional methods (pedagogical elements needed to support the learning process) and media elements.
- Courseware development - By developing the media and interactive components, you can the course in different formats for web (and CD) delivery, Courseware also integrates the content elements into a learning platform that learners can access.
Implementation is when the course is delivered to the learners. The courseware may be installed on a server or is made accessible for learners, or can be instructor or a facilitated course. This stage also includes managing and facilitating learners’ activities.Evaluation
The evaluation stage is necessary to understand what worked and what didn’t This helps you to improve the attainment of your learning objectives. The e-Learning project can be evaluated for specific evaluation results including:- Accomplishment of the learning objectives,
- Assessment of learners’ behaviour,
- Transfer of leaning to job‑related knowledge and skills, and
- Impact of the project on your organization.
Darn it! When Nellie told us about your secret life, we suspected something wicked! Meow from Malaysia.